Alternative Ways To Fight Pain

Alternative Ways To Fight Pain

Alternative Ways To Fight Pain

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There are more ways to fight pain than popping pills. If you suffer from chronic pain and want to take a break from meds, it could be worth trying a few of the following methods of pain relief.  

Cut out the bad habits

Smoking, drinking alcohol and eating too much sugar are all habits that can increase pain. Smoking raises cortisol levels, alcohol increases nerve pain (during the hangover stage) and sugar increases inflammation. Try your best to cut down on these habits and see what impact this has on your pain levels. There are many ways to cut down on these habits nowadays such as vaping, sticking to non-alcoholic drinks and drinking no-sugar soft drinks.

Reduce stress

Stress increases our sensitivity to pain and makes inflammation worse. While you cannot always avoid stress, there are many ways to destress that can be worth trying such as meditating, exercising or listening to music. A good night’s sleep is also important for reducing stress – if you’re not careful the two can form a vicious cycle.

Use herbal pain relief

There are lots of forms of herbal pain relief out there. Some such as turmeric and ginger even have scientific backing. A few other herbal pain relievers include cloves, capsaicin cream, devil’s claw, willow bark, marijuana and kratom. Try out these forms of pain relief in your own time (always read up on the side effects first though).

Try acupuncture

Acupuncture involves inserting long, thin needles into the skin at particular pressure points. This Ancient Chinese medicine remains popular today and many people swear by its effectiveness. When getting acupuncture, you should always visit a qualified professional.

Visit a chiropractor

A chiropractor may be able to help relieve pain caused by trapped nerves or stiff joints by manipulating the body. Manipulation of the spine is the most common method. You should always visit an official chiropractic clinic such as Advanced Health Chiropractic so that you know it’s been done right.

Take a hot bath

You can also ease many types of pain by taking a hot bath. The buoyancy of the water is great for relaxing muscles and joints. Combined with the heat, the water also stimulates nerve endings all around the body, flooding us with endorphins that help to numb pain.


Exercise produces endorphins, which can help to fight pain. You do have to be careful as to which exercises you take up – the likes of jumping and running can aggravate certain types of pain. In such cases, sticking to low impact exercises like swimming and walking could be a more sensible option. 

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