After the After Party With BM from KARD

After the After Party With BM from KARD

This was my first 21+ phoneless concert and it was so fun! I enjoyed my time with BM from KARD.

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Camera details
Shot with Sony Alpha 7R IV Full Frame Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera with Sony – FE 50mm F1.8 Standard Lens

His After the After Party Concert was so fun. I honestly didn’t think I was going to have fun because I normally have my phone taking pictures and making memories but I honestly did have a lot of fun. There’s this one girl who came by herself and she stood by my side the entire time and she was having the time of her life and that made me want to have fun too. She was engaging with everybody around her and just singing and dancing along and her energy made me want to have fun. So I basically just hung around her and she noticed that I was alone too so she hung around me. We didn’t say hi to each other but at the end of the concert, I did smile to her and she smiled back and that was about it but it was so nice hanging around her.

In general the concert was a lot shorter than I expected it to be. I did miss the opening acts and I’m really sad about that because they were two of my favorite artists but my bus came late so unfortunately I missed them. However the setlist for BM was short even with the fan interactions and I was just so surprised by it. In general his set was an hour and 15 minutes and I just thought it would be so much longer but then again he is a new solo artist so that makes sense. In general I would definitely go to another phoneless concert because I’m so glad I didn’t have to deal with phones in my face. I was all the way in the back and I was able to see perfectly fine and there were a lot of tall people but thankfully they weren’t in my way and I just moved around a little bit until I found the perfect spot. In general it was so much fun at the concert and I would totally go to a phoneless 21+ concert again.

I am especially obsessed with the dress. I was able to dance in it and it was so comfortable too!

Have you ever seen BM or KARD live?

Thanks for reading.

xoxo, Linda



Content Creator from Boston.
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