Don’t Let Your Insecurities Beat You

Don’t Let Your Insecurities Beat You

Don’t Let Your Insecurities Beat You

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It’s so sad that so many of us are stuck with so many insecurities. For reasons that we could spend the whole article going into, it’s just so easy to feel like you’re being judged by everyone around you, and you should be this perfect image of a human, in order to feel like you fit in. But instead of feeling like that, we feel like total outcasts, and our insecurities seriously do take over our lives. Some more than others, but that’s simply because some people have a stronger mindset than others. For those of you who know you most definitely do not have a strong Mindset, then we know that a day won’t go by without your thinking about anything wrong with your body image, and spend hours comparing yourself to the people you see on social media. So we spend so much time thinking about the negatives, and thinking about what other people think, and it’s about time that all changed. We’ve created this article to show you how you can ensure you’re never letting your insecurities get the better of you, so that you can focus on all of the positives in your life!

Stay Away From Stereotypes

Stereotypes are one of the worst things that this world had created. So many people are put into imaginary categories of what defines then, and it shouldn’t be this way. But it is these stereotypes that we try and live up to, and we try and fit ourselves in the category that we’d most like to fit into. What does this create? It creates the daily battle that so many of us are facing, to try and fit in with the crowd that we think we should be fitting into. Now this is where insecurities are coming from. We try and fit in, but we feel as though we’re not the same as everyone else. So, rather than spending your days trying to look like something you’re not, and forcing yourself to try and fit in with people who you don’t actually suit to be with, stay away from it all. Try and put yourself into your own category, and only focus on who you want to be. When you start to do this, something beautiful really does happen. You start to realise how many people in the world are actually sheeps, following the herd that they think is the coolest. But being original is truly the next best thing to do, because all you have to worry about is what you think of yourself, and that view is easy to manipulate!

Fight Those Insecurities

So, now we’re on to the view that should be easy to manipulate, and that’s your own personal view of yourself. So to manipulate that, you have to think about the insecurities or problems that you have, and how you can combat them. There are two common issues that people get super sensitive over, and often end up completely ignoring, just to try and get away from it all. One of them being poor hearing. People from a really young age are suffering with this now, but instead of dealing with it, they ‘what did you say!?’ their way through life. If you’re putting it off because you don’t like the thought of a hearing aid, hearing aid devices are now so small and insignificant, only those closest to you will know about it. Another issue people are neglecting, is poor skin. So many people just stick to using lotions and potions to try and clear skin, when in fact a trip to the doctors and a course of roaccutane will introduce a new way of life to you. So what we’re trying to say, is that no matter what the issue you have, confronting it head on is so much better than hiding away from it!

Change Your Own View Of Others

This is a super important one that we think people really need to think about. We’re always so worried about what people think about us, and whether people are talking about us, but we forget how bad we can be for doing the same. Once you get into the Mindset that everyone is going through their own personal struggles, and absolutely everyone has something they’re insecure about, it might make you stop being the judgmental person you hate. It’s just so easy to make passing comments, or thoughts in your own mind, without thinking about how that person would feel if they knew you were saying it!

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Content Creator from Boston.
I’m here to help you with style tips and options, finding the best deals, and helping you to feel confident & comfortable in your own skin with whatever you choose to wear.

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