Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

I went to a concert filled with TikTokers because it was only $25 and it surprisingly was a lot of fun.

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Camera details
Shot with Sony Alpha 7R IV Full Frame Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera with Sony – FE 50mm F1.8 Standard Lens

So these TikTokers actually sing and make music and they are actually not that bad. They actually do have a very strong fan base and people actually do like them. I don’t know if I will see them again in the future. I did feel a little bit uncomfortable because everyone was a lot younger than me. But they do have great stage presence and they are a lot of fun on stage but I just don’t think I am their Target audience. I am a little bit older than everyone and the only reason why I came to the concert was to support Asian artists because it is difficult for Asian artists to make a breakthrough in the music industry. So I just wanted to do my part and support them. But I likely won’t go to another concert. I’ll probably just support them on social media and that’s it. But they were fun. I just was a little uncomfortable being surrounded by teenagers and young adults but in general it was fun.

The concert started late. I arrived maybe like 15 minutes before doors were supposedly opening but I ended up waiting outside for an extra hour. They did have an opening act and he was all right. His stage presence was okay. It was something for him to work on but it was fun. But in general, the show was pretty short. So the group is called North Star Boys and their entire set including encore was like an hour and 15 minutes. I did leave before the encore. But they are only on stage for like an hour but they were still active and fun and it was pretty cool to watch. 

The dress is from The TikTok shop and it’s so cute. I thought my dress was going to fly up because it was very windy but my dress did not fly up thankfully. It actually stayed put and I felt so beautiful in it. But these pictures were taken maybe like a week or two later because I didn’t have time to take pictures with the dress so I took pictures a couple weeks later. And I look so good and I love this dress so much that I’ll probably wear it again.

Thanks for reading.

xoxo, Linda



Content Creator from Boston.
I’m here to help you with style tips and options, finding the best deals, and helping you to feel confident & comfortable in your own skin with whatever you choose to wear.

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