Pink Slits

Pink Slits

I wore this dress for the WHEE IN concert in Brooklyn but I didn’t take pictures until a week later.

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Camera details
Shot with Sony Alpha 7R IV Full Frame Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera with Sony – FE 50mm F1.8 Standard Lens

I had so much fun seeing WHEE IN. I’m going to be honest, I really contemplated not going to the concert because I was so tired and I was just unmotivated to get out of bed. So I started looking up selling my tickets and returning my bus tickets and when I realized that I would be losing money on trying to get a refund on my bus tickets, that’s when I was like okay time to go to the concert. Apparently Money Motivated me because I really did not want to lose money for refunding my bus tickets so I got ready for the concert.

The concert was so much fun. So I ended up hanging around the sound system engineer guy because they had like a little rail bar for me to lean on and to kind of just sit on because it was a general admission concert and I hate general admission concerts because I hate standing. So I stood next to the rail bar and just hung around there and my view was pretty good. But there was this really tall guy in the center who kept putting his phone up all the way in the air blocking everyone’s view. You’re already tall. You’re the tallest guy in the concert. Why is your phone all the way up in the air blocking everyone? But aside from that, no one blocked my view and I had so much fun singing and dancing and I really love mamamoo so of course I wanted to see WHEE IN. But I’m glad I went because the concert was so fun and the train station was right next to the venue so it was so convenient and so easy to get to it.

I highly recommend seeing if WHEE IN or any of them Mamamoo members because they can all sing. They are all phenomenal singers and I wish I saw them last year in concert but hopefully there’s a next time and hopefully they go on to our next year because they are one of my favorite girl groups of all time.

Anyway, this dress is so cute. I really love the slit and the low cut. I didn’t actually take pictures until a week later but it’s fine, no one will ever know except for us.

Thanks for reading.

xoxo, Linda



Content Creator from Boston.
I’m here to help you with style tips and options, finding the best deals, and helping you to feel confident & comfortable in your own skin with whatever you choose to wear.

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