Stay Mindful in 2020

Stay Mindful in 2020

Stay Mindful in 2020 


Mindfulness is a growing trend and that’s because it has many health benefits, doesn’t have to cost any money and it all depends on you. It’s a practice based on meditation to find clarity and positivity in your life. There are many complementary therapies than can work with mindfulness in order to keep you healthy both mentally and physically this year. There several ways in which you can encourage a mindful attitude in 2020. 


Go somewhere quiet where you can be on your own for a bit. Sit down, put on some relaxing music and clear your mind. It is recommendable to do this for five minutes per day at least if you can. Try to get rid of negative thoughts and focus on your positive achievements and your loved ones. After this, you will feel calm and prepared to take on whatever the world has to throw at you today.


Combine a healthy mind with a healthy body. It’s not a great idea to go on fad diets but stay mindful in the way you eat. Keep a balanced diet which includes a good amount of protein, carbs, fruits, vegetables, and grains. If you feel like you’re not getting enough vitamins in your diet you could always try a program such as hundred. Try to enjoy your food and eat in a more slow and relaxed way. It’s better for you to eat smaller meals and more often rather than big dinners. There are things to try to consume in moderation such as sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. These might end up tiring you out more if you consume them in excess. 

Enjoy your own company

Where it’s important to be social and friendly it’s still necessary to take the time for yourself. If you can handle it, try taking yourself off the grid for a couple of hours. You can warn your friends and family that you’re planning to switch off your phone so they don’t worry. Go out for a walk alone, or to the movies or even for a meal. This is a great way to gain perspective and awareness. When you return to your loved ones you will be better equipped to deal with personal relationships and won’t see them as much as a burden or a cause of stress. Treat yourself from time to time as well. Consider buying yourself little presents or even flowers. Really make the time for yourself as you do for other people. 

Get in touch with nature

If you want to get away from it all take a drive or if you can bike ride into the local countryside. Look for hidden gems near you. If you live near a lake or the beach it can very relaxing to meditate next to natural water. At home, you could also consider taking up gardening. This is a popular wellness trend this year and proven to be very therapeutic. If you want to start simply try getting some low maintenance plants for the house. 

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Content Creator from Boston.
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