Gray (Vermont Day 2)

My family and I woke up around 8AM. I didn’t have a good night sleep. I kept tossing and turning. It was freezing and I kept hearing strange noises throughout the night, so I was scared to sleep. I felt safe because my boyfriend was sleeping next to me but it didn’t stop me from hearing strange noises. I ended up finding out after I woke up that my sister and her fiancé were awake, hence the noises. We all started to get dressed for snowboarding. My boyfriend decided to stay at the cabin and game, which was a bummer…

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Blue (Vermont Day 1)

My family and I took a trip to Vermont the day after Christmas. We had this trip planned for a couple weeks now. It was pretty much a “couple’s trip” since it was me, two of my sisters and our partners. My boyfriend finally agreed to go on a trip with me and my family. Whenever my sister plans trips, it always ends up being the five of us because my boyfriend always says no and same with my oldest sister. I asked him if he could just go on one trip with us and he finally agreed. It took…

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And A Happy New Year!

Happy (belated) New Year! 2016 has been an alright year. With all the tragedies and events that occurred in 2016, I hope 2017 is better. Instead of making resolutions, I’m just going to remain optimistic and push myself to get out of my comfort zone, and just work harder. I made a ton of resolutions last year and never fulfilled them, so this year, I just want to work on being a better me. I didn’t really do much for New Year’s day. I slept in and woke up around 11AM. I called my boyfriend to see what he was…

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Snow White

Every year, my friends and I spend New Year’s Eve together. We held it at my friend’s boyfriend’s place in Somerville. We agreed to have it start at around 7/7:30. I decided to get ready by 4 but took breaks in between. My boyfriend came over around 6:45 and then we were off to Somerville. It took us about 25 minutes to get there. We were missing two people, so it ended up being a couple’s night kind of thing, but I didn’t mind. Everyone was happy either way!! Every year, we always hang out for New Year’s Eve –…

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Red Christmas

Every year, my family and I have dinner at my place for Christmas. Last year, we had a yankee swap and decided to do it again this year. Everybody arrived at my house around 5. We were all on time except for my best friend. She came about an hour later but it’s fine because it’s better late than never. All of my siblings were there and their partners. My best friend was there and of course, my mom. It was a lot of people in one little living room but we managed to make it work and have everyone…

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