Winter Oral Health Tips

Winter Oral Health Tips

Winter Oral Health Tips

You often find that when winter arrives and comes nearer, then any problems that you have with your teeth can be made worse in the winter weather. So this isn’t going to be a good thing for your oral healthcare at all. Do during winter and cold weather, you might have some problems with your teeth. Regular check-ups are something that is really important, but especially in the winter time. So when did you last have a check-up at the dentist? Here are some other problems that you could face, and how to best deal with them. 


Tooth Sensitivity

There is a problem that does happen when your teeth start to hurt when you’re eating something hot or cold, or drinking something hot or cold. The problem can occur and be made worse in colder temperatures, because there is a greater contrast with the hot and the cold then. So to solve this, or deal with it, then here are some things to do to improve any sensitive teeth that you might have.

  • Choose a sensitive toothpaste, as it is designed and made to deal with issues around sensitivity specifically 
  • Make sure that you bristles on your toothpaste are soft, and when you use them, take care of them. If you brush too hard, then they can scrape off some of the teeth’s natural enamel that helps the tooth and protects against extremes
  • Rinse your mouth with some salt water, as it can be such a great thing for your teeth

Cavity Care

One thing that lots of people like to do at this time of the year, and as the holiday season starts, is to eat plenty of food. Eat, drink, and be merry, is the motto of the season! You might have some food that you wouldn’t normally consume, especially more sugary holiday treats. So at this time of year, it can mean that you have a higher chance of cavities as well. And too many cavities that aren’t dealt with, could lead to needing some oral surgery. So to avoid cavities, try some of the following:

  • Brush your teeth regularly for at least two minutes each day. Flossing is a must as well.
  • Drink plenty of water. It helps to hydrate you, but it can help to clean your teeth, in between brushes.

Cold Sores

This is something that can be faced in winter quite a lot, and it can happen as a result of the cold weather and having a weakened immune system. So to help you to prevent some cold sores, you could try to try out a few new things, such as:

  • Sharing food or drinks can be a way to spread things around, so avoiding this is really important
  • Clean your hands really regularly
  • Have minimal skin to skin contact with people who have one means that your risk of it spreading can be reduced

If you notice any early symptoms of any of these problems, then make sure that you seek medical advice straightaway.

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