How To Mentally Prepare For Dreaded Dental Care

How To Mentally Prepare For Dreaded Dental Care

How To Mentally Prepare For Dreaded Dental Care

When we attend an annual dental checkup, the majority of us hope and pray we’ll get the all-clear so we can enjoy the next 6-months without worry. It’s a goal that pushes us to take good care of our teeth at all times, and, in the majority of cases, it works out. 

Sometimes, though, life or the dental Gods seem to be against us. You know how it goes; your dentist starts all the routine checks, but they keep returning to one spot with a frown on their face and a plan behind their eyes. As simple as that, you’re looking down the barrel of a root canal, bridge, or some other horror you always hoped to avoid. 

It isn’t ideal, that’s for sure, but there’s also no need to freak out about procedures like these. Instead of worrying or, worse, avoiding booking an appointment altogether, you should find that you’re better able to mentally prepare for the procedure with the following pointers in mind.

Image by Daniel Frank: CC0 License

# 1 – Arm yourself with knowledge

The unknown is always the worst thing about procedures like these, so be sure to ask your dentist all the right questions to help you understand what’ll happen. Things like whether you’ll be anesthetized and how long a repair is likely to take will all help you picture the day, and are something that trained dentists will be able to answer with ease. Then, you’ll be able to picture the day ahead of time, and prep yourself for every step.

# 2 – Arrive with plenty of time

There’s no getting around the fact that you’ll feel some nerves on the day, but arriving at the dental office with plenty of time is a fantastic way to ease your anxiety at least a little. By arriving at least ten minutes early, you can book in, sit down, and steady your breathing. You could even try and read something in the waiting room to get you in the zone. Then, when your name is called, you’re far less liable to feel overwhelmed. 

# 3 – Let a treat be your light at the end of the tunnel

Booking yourself a treat either later in the day or the day after (where tooth extractions, etc. are concerned) can also be a fantastic way to improve your mentality going into a procedure. This alone will give you something to be excited about after the big event, thus helping you look past it. Your treat could be anything from a spa day to a nice meal out, or even a purchase you’ve wanted to make. Simple having this on the horizon is guaranteed to help you weather any dental storm.

No one embraces extreme dental work, but it’s a reality the vast majority of us face at some stage in our lives. Make sure you’re ready when your time comes by keeping these pointers in mind, and even adding your own to keep you calm and prepared when it matters the most.

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