How To Take Good Care Of Your Teeth

How To Take Good Care Of Your Teeth

How To Take Good Care Of Your Teeth

We generally smile a lot because we have lots to be grateful for. We have great weather, great sports and great beer. Taking good care of our teeth is something that we are taught from a very young age, but we do not always get the best advice possible. Due to poor advice, we suffer from tooth decay and maybe even have had to get a tooth pulled out. For those of us who have had a tooth pulled out, this is something that we do not want to have to go through again. If you want to continue having your great smile and maintain healthy teeth, then read on and learn about some great tips for keeping you and your teeth, in great shape.

  1. Get Flossing – Brushing is great, but flossing is better and this is a habit you need to get yourself into immediately. Brushing does help to keep the surface of your teeth clean, but it does not always get into those hard to reach areas between your teeth. These areas are a harbour for all kinds of things and food stuck in there that are going to cause tooth decay. If possible, you should be flossing twice a day and at least once at the bare minimum.
  2. Visit Your Dentist – The first step to better teeth is having it checked by, for example, if you are living in Queensland, Australia, a Mitchelton dentist. You should visit your dentist twice a year to ensure that your teeth are healthy. Your dentist will check for fillings and decay and do all the necessary work required. The dentist will also give your teeth a thorough cleaning and remove any plaque that has gathered on the surface of your teeth.
  3. What To Avoid – There are some things that cause your teeth to discolour and decay and you should try to avoid these things if you can. Tobacco makes your teeth turn to a nasty yellow and can also cause some kinds of oral cancers. In an attempt to mask the smell and taste of tobacco, we drink coffee or suck mint flavoured sweets, but all this does is damage the teeth even more. There are articles available online to help you learn more about what food and drinks are good for your teeth.
  4. Fizzy Drinks And Alcohol – Fizzy drinks like Coca Cola are saturated with sugar and you can actually feel your teeth beginning to decay as you drink it. Any fizzy drink is generally full of sugar and should be avoided if possible. These drinks will cause tooth decay and gum disease, so choose a drink that is beneficial to your teeth, like water and milk. Always ask for a straw if you must have a sugary drink, as this will reduce the likelihood of the sugary drink coming into contact with the teeth, on the way in.

Taking care of your teeth is an ongoing thing and one that you must make sure you do, on a daily basis. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a host of other illnesses within your body.

DISCLAIMER: This article is published in partnership of Mediabuzzer.



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