Are You Addicted Or Is It A Habit? Positive Changes That Can Impact Your Lifestyle

Are You Addicted Or Is It A Habit? Positive Changes That Can Impact Your Lifestyle

Are You Addicted Or Is It A Habit? Positive Changes That Can Impact Your Lifestyle

Addiction is a word used more commonly amongst conversations of today. It can be so easily said for many things. 

“I am addicted to the gym”

“I love chocolate”

“I need that glass of wine in the evening”.  

But what about the use of the word in a more serious manner? The thing is, many people have something called an addictive personality. However, being addicted to something like chocolate is very different to being addicted to a substance, perhaps like alcohol. It’s all about the behavior. It is important that people differentiate between the habit and what is a behavior. This is one of the ways many people can identify as having a problem, or perhaps identify it in a close friend or family member. There’s also a responsibility to understand whether such addiction is harmful to your health, or whether it can be completely harmless. In most cases an addictive behavior is going to have some long term effects, be that on your health or just life in general. For example, people may question whether they are addicted to junk food, or even addicted to that glass of wine at night. With that in mind, it would be worth looking at some of the positive steps that can be taken to help combat an addiction that is damaging for good. With January being fresh in our minds, it is also the ideal opportunity to make some changes. Let’s hope it inspires you or provides you with the tools to help someone else. I’m by no means a medical professional, but my hope is that will highlight many of the options that are available. 

Image source – pixabay – cco license

Speaking to a doctor about how you feel

One of the first things to do is acknowledge how you feel and instead of questioning things yourself, you may want to speak to a medical professional who will best advise whether or not addiction is something you are struggling with, or whether the behavior is to do with other aspects of your life. Sometimes it is hard to speak to your GP, so you could always use the self diagnose apps online to get some answers. Sometimes just taking that step is enough to get you on the right track, and be armed with some of the tools and information you need to make some conscious decisions about your life choices and lifestyle. They may be able to advise on something like an addiction program that could help you take the right steps to recovery. They could also advise some of the other methods that would be available to you which could help you to feel more like yourself again. 


Sometimes an addictive behavior stems from something mentally. For that, counseling can help tremendously. Some people may find that there is a trigger to kick start the behavior or habit. So if, for example, you had a stressful day, that could be a trigger to partake in such behavior. Maybe it gets to the point where you can’t go out or socialize without triggering this need you have. Counseling, through methods like cognitive behavioral therapy and talking, could help pinpoint what those triggers are. Once you are aware you can take positive steps to turn things around. Many programmes include a combination or counseling alongside other methods. Speaking to your doctor about your issues is often the first positive step anyone can make. 


Another thing that you could try would be exercise. Exercise is one of those things that can help with so many areas of your life. It can be a natural cure for things like anxiety and depression, and could also be a great way to relieve any addiction that you might have to things like alcohol or smoking. You could choose to exercise instead and see what a difference that could make. Often an addiction can cause things like depression and anxiety, so this could be a great way to relieve some of those symptoms and urges. 


Finally, If you are a proactive person, then self help books and literature online could be a great way to combat your addiction. It does, however, require a lot of will power and you may need support from friends and family. Thankfully, not only are there books but you can enroll in e-courses where you can work through programmes at your own pace. You may also want to consider attending support groups. Often being close with people who understand can help you come to terms with your situation. 

Let’s hope this has shined a light on what can be a tough subject to discuss. 

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