Tackling Common Skin Conditions

Tackling Common Skin Conditions

Tackling Common Skin Conditions

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Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so it’s extremely important that you take good care of it. Not only do you need to keep it clean, but you should also keep an eye out for common skin complaints that could cause you discomfort, pain, or embarrassment. To get you started on the right foot, here are two of the most commonly experienced skin conditions and how to tackle them.


The majority of us will experience a break out of spots at some point or another in our lives. Spots occur when the pores of your skin get blocked and become infected by what is usually harmless bacteria living on the skin’s surface. But, how do our pores become blocked in the first place? Well, everyone’s skin is covered in pores and each pore contains a hair (though usually on the face, this hair is too fine to see). Each hair follicle has a gland attached to it (called the sebaceous gland) which produces an oily fluid called sebum. Sebum’s role is to prevent the skin from becoming excessively dry. However, when your glands produce too much sebum, it mixes with dead skin cells and starts to block your pores. Now, the odd spot isn’t too much hassle, but when you have constant and severe outbreaks, you may be suffering from a skin condition called acne. There are various treatments for this condition out there. Start out by seeking treatment through medicare providers. A dermatologist will be able to assess your skin, suggesting further treatments or medications to tackle the problem. You should also consider some of the many acne preventing face washes, moisturisers, and makeup products on the market.


Eczema affects around 35 million people in the US. While the condition tends to be more common amongst children (with about 10-20% of children suffering from it), it can carry through to adulthood, with around 1-3% of the adult population experiencing the skin complaint. Eczema causes the skin becomes dry and flakey and can sometimes cause itching. It most commonly affects the hands, the backs of the knees, the neck, and the elbows, but can be found in other areas of the body. If you think that you may be suffering from eczema, don’t worry. The condition is more of an inconvenience than a danger. Check yourself in to see a doctor, who will be able to offer treatment depending on the severity of your individual condition. Generally speaking, you will be offered an emollient lotion, emollient cream, or an emollient oil. As every person’s skin is different, you may have to try a process of trial and error until you find the best cream to suit your skin. However, once you find the best one to suit your needs, you should be sorted for the foreseeable future!

These are just two common skin complaints that you might experience in your lifetime. However, now you know how to best treat them, your discomfort should be minimised, as you can tackle symptoms and the condition sooner rather than later!

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