Using Lasers to Tighten Sagging Skin

Using Lasers to Tighten Sagging Skin

Using Lasers to Tighten Sagging Skin

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Youth is, unfortunately, fleeting. When you pass a certain age, your body begins to change. Hormone levels decrease, and less protective substances like collagen are produced. Collagen is a substance that helps keep your skin tight, which is why wrinkles and sagging skin are more common as you get older. External influences like exposure to weather can also speed up the process.

Just because sagging skin is normal with age does not mean it has to continue to sag. Thanks to numerous medical procedures, you can tighten it up again. One of those procedures is surgery, but that is only for severely sagging skin. For mild to moderate skin tightening, laser treatment is often recommended.

How Your Skin is Tightened During Laser Treatment
When you have laser skin tightening performed, it is typically done with a non-ablative laser, meaning one that does not involve the outer layer of skin. Instead, the laser beam is designed to impact lower skin tissues. By not affecting the outer layer, you will be at low risk for post-procedural skin infection. When you find a clinician who has used lasers many times successfully and has the right credentials, he or she can perform the treatments with minimal discomfort to you.

The laser treatment performs two basic functions that can tighten your skin. First, it changes the interactions between existing collagen molecules in your lower skin layers. By causing them to draw closer together, the procedure tightens the skin layers, including the surface layer, which reacts to the changes in the lower layers. Also, the treatment causes your body to produce more collagen. As the new collagen is produced it helps to strengthen bonds between cells and tighten the skin more.

When Laser Skin Tightening is a Good Option
Laser skin tightening is only a good option under certain circumstances so don’t choose it as your first option without proper researching. For example, you must have moderately wrinkled or sagging skin. Severe sags cannot be treated with lasers. Your skin is also more likely to respond well to treatment if you are under 60 years of age. You must also be prepared for the investment of time and money it takes to receive one or more full rounds of laser treatment. Often, a single treatment series consists of four to six sessions.

Your clinician must also approve you for laser treatment after assessing your skin. Since lasers produce a lot of heat, you may be told you are a poor candidate if your skin is too oily. The combination of oil and heat creates burn risks. Additionally, you may need treatment with a special type of laser device if you have dark skin. Discuss those issues with your clinician before treatment and don’t make any decisions before speaking to one. It is important that you speak to a professional about it before making any decisions.

Having Your First Laser Skin Tightening Treatment
When having your first laser skin tightening treatment, it is important to know what will happen during the session. First, the treatment area will be sterilized. Then a cooling gel may be used to minimize the discomfort from the heat of the laser. A numbing concoction or cool blasts of air may also be used in certain circumstances. During the procedure, the technician will point the laser beam at key spots on your skin for set periods of time. When the procedure is over, you will be sent home with instructions for keeping your skin clean and protected while it heals.

Hopefully, this post gives you a little bit of an insight about laser skin treatment. Of course, before making any decision, consult with your physician or a professional about what options and choices you may have.

Disclaimer: This post is a featured post on LINDA TENCHI TRAN.


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