Ways to Guard Your Health That Will Also Improve Your Looks

Ways to Guard Your Health That Will Also Improve Your Looks

Ways to Guard Your Health That Will Also Improve Your Looks

Image via Pixabay

There are two things that just about everyone wants to master in their own lives. Firstly, everyone wants to be in good health. Secondly, everyone wants to look their best.

The only problem is that many of the beauty techniques out there today may ultimately be detrimental to your health, and many of the proposed health hacks and solutions may not do wonders for your physical appearance.

Crash diets, for example, may help you to lose some weight and fit into your favourite dress again, but there’s pretty much unanimous agreement that they are bad for your health, and will do a lot of harm over the long term.

If you’ve sustained a sudden health issue, emergency care services such as Grand View Health can often sort things out fairly quickly. But for general overall health, over the long term, you’ve got to take a more nuanced, lifestyle-focused view.

Here are some ways to guard your health that will also improve your looks.

Avoid processed food like the plague, and eat home-cooked meals with plenty of variety

When the movie “Supersize Me” came out, it received a lot of criticism for misrepresenting some of the more obvious facts about nutrition. Specifically, that eating a lot of calories make you gain weight, regardless of where those calories come from.

Recent research though, such as that done by Tim Spector, author of “The Diet Myth” shows that a fast food diet also devastates your healthy gut microbes.

What’s more, processed ingredients like high fructose corn syrup have been linked repeatedly to the obesity epidemic, and metabolic issues.

If you want to look your best and be your healthiest, the first step is to avoid processed food like the plague. Eat home-cooked meals, with plenty of variety, and you will be worlds better off.

Get as much sleep as you can manage (and need)

On the first page of the bestselling book “Why We Sleep,” the author points out that even just a few days of getting slightly too little sleep a night messes with your blood sugar control to such a degree that you would be classed as prediabetic.

Failing to get enough sleep is known to devastate your health across every possible dimension. It also causes you to age prematurely, gives you dark rings around your eyes, and harm your looks in other ways.

To look and feel your best, get as much sleep as you can possibly manage each night – at least, as much as you need to feel rested.

Remove contaminants from your home, using things like HEPA filters

Weirdly enough, some recent findings have suggested that contaminants in your home – things like mould spores, and pet dander – can damage your immune system, cause you to gain weight, and do all sorts of other harm, too.

Removing these contaminants from your home may help you look and feel better.

Consider investing in things such as HEPA air filters, and Brita water filters for your drinking water supply.

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Content Creator from Boston.
I’m here to help you with style tips and options, finding the best deals, and helping you to feel confident & comfortable in your own skin with whatever you choose to wear.

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