7 Ways To Stop Snoring

7 Ways To Stop Snoring

7 Ways To Stop Snoring

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Is your snoring keeping your partner up at night? Or are you the unlucky victim of a snoring partner? Whatever the case may be, here are a few ways in which you could put an end to the noisy habit.  

Rule out medical conditions

Snoring can sometimes be the result of a medical condition. The most serious example is sleep apnea – the person snoring may be having trouble breathing whilst asleep. Some people with this condition die whilst asleep from choking. CPAP masks are one way of preventing this and could help to stop the snoring in the process. Signs of sleep apnea include constant drowsiness, waking up with a dry mouth and sore throat, making loud gasping noises in the night and possibly falling asleep at random times during the day.

Other causes linked to medical conditions could include allergies to substances in the room such as animal hair, congestion as the result of a cold/flu or deformities such as a deviated septum. A doctor should be able to diagnose these.

Change your sleeping position

Snoring is more common when lying on one’s back. Some people are also less likely to snore when there head is tilted up. By propping your head up and lying on your side, you could possibly put an end to the snoring. Adopting new sleeping positions isn’t easy and you’ll likely need to use pillows behind you to avoid you rolling onto your back.

Try nasal strips

Nasal strips can help to open up the airways in the nose, which can stop some people from snoring. These are available in many convenience stores, but if you can’t find them locally you can always order them online. Nasal decongestants such as vapour rubs may also help, especially when you have a blocked nose.

Limit alcohol/smoking

Alcohol relaxes muscles in the throat, which increases the chance of snoring. Long-term smoking meanwhile does the opposite by partially blocking airways due to damage to the airway membranes. By reducing/giving up these habits, you could put a stop to the problem.

Avoid sleeping pills

Relying on sleeping pills to fall asleep could be keeping your partner up. Like alcohol, these pills relax muscles in the airways, which makes snoring more likely. Unfortunately, almost all sleeping pills and supplements have this effect.


People that are overweight tend to be more susceptible to snoring, because there is more pressure on the throat and lungs. Exercising could help you to shed the pounds and put snoring to an end. This isn’t the only way exercise can prevent snoring though – when we exercise and get out of breath, we’re also strengthening out throat muscles, which can also help to reduce snoring.

Invest in a dehumidifier

Some people are also more susceptible to humidity in the air. This can lead to constriction of the airways which can cause snoring. If your bedroom feel humid, consider buying a dehumidifier to improve the air quality.

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