A Practical Guide to Lasting Wellbeing With Your Health

A Practical Guide to Lasting Wellbeing With Your Health

A Practical Guide to Lasting Wellbeing With Your Health

Image suggestion: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-adult-women-beside-each-other-3768114/

Futureproofing our health is all about making choices today that will stand the test of time. When it comes to our health, this translates to taking on practices in the here and now  that will safeguard your wellbeing in the future. Here are just a few ways you can go about it. 

Good Nutrition

At the core of futureproofing your health is what you eat. When you go for a mix of fruits, veggies, lean meats, and whole grains, you’re giving your brain the good stuff it needs. These foods have things like antioxidants from colourful fruits and omega-3 fatty acids from lean meats, which are like superheroes for your brain. It’s not just about feeling good today; but essentially storing up health for tomorrow. Studies show that eating this way can help both your brain and your body work better. 

Stay Hydrated

Water is more than a mere necessity; it’s absolutely fundamental to your wellbeing. Proper hydration supports your bodily functions, sharpens your cognitive abilities and also promotes healthy skin too. Sip water regularly throughout the day to keep your body primed for the challenges that lie ahead, some people find that buying a water bottle that’s aesthetic to carry around can motivate them to drink more, it might seem silly but do whatever works for you!

Move More

Regular exercise is a truly potent investment in your future health. It strengthens muscles and bones and also fortifies your immune system which can prevent issues like infections and even cancers along with lots of other illnesses. When you’re physically mobile into later life, chances are you’re more likely to be able to stay in your own home for longer which can lead to better levels of overall satisfaction in your life. Some people find they can get by with just a little home help right into very late life because they’re still relatively independent where they’ve kept their bodies strong and active. Go with activities you enjoy, it could be as simple as walking, a yoga class, or something more high impact like dancing. Whether its something that’s more slow and steady or fast paced, the key to it is to stay consistent. Any kind of exercise done regularly will benefit things like your posture, preventing injuries, and maintaining stability. If you go with specifically core focused exercises like planks and leg raises in your workout routine this can be really helpful, but the trick to exercise is to find something that you genuinely think is fun.

Mindful Practices

Prioritising your mental health is so important to futureproofing your overall wellbeing. Set aside time regularly for activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction. This could be through meditation, deep breathing or peaceful walks. It could be relaxing hobbies, pamper days, spa days, whatever you enjoy. These kinds of practices fortify your mind for any challenges ahead.

Continuous Learning

The brain thrives on new experiences. Keep your mind active by reading and exploring new hobbies, do these things just for fun. Many of us give up hobbies quickly because we feel like we’re not ‘good’ at them, but the end product doesnt have to be great or even good! Just enjoy the process and know that you will be building all kinds of skills along the way. Taking online courses is another idea,this not only enriches your life in the present but improves your cognitive abilities for future demands. Genetic factors, overall health, and other lifestyle factors also play significant roles in the development of cognitive conditions, but keeping your mind active has been shown to lower risk. 

Prioritise Rest

Quality sleep is crucial for physical and mental wellbeing. It allows your body to recover and gets you mentally and physically ready for the demands of the day. Maintain a consistent sleep routine, buy a comfortable and supportive bed, avoid phones and gadgets an hour before bed and generally stick with the sleep advice we all know if you can. Lack of sleep has been shown to increase rates of morbidity by all causes, so it’s the fundamental thing to get right to live a healthy life. 

Social Connections

Human connections form a crucial support system, we are social creatures and studies have shown time and time again that loneliness is a risk factor for many mental and physical health issues. Cultivate meaningful relationships with family, friends and the wider community, it can be helpful to feel as though you’re part of something bigger and have that safety net of people if you need it. Social support isn’t just a current comfort; it acts as a shield against the uncertainties of the future. Make the effort to make and maintain the connections in your life, be friendly and inquisitive with others, put yourself out there with hobbies and social events to meet new people. 

We all know the things we should be doing for a healthier body today, but by doing these things we invest in a better future as well. While nothing is guaranteed, making good choices means you’re likely to live a longer, happier and healthier life.

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