Come with me to a keshi Concert in Boston on 3/14/23

Come with me to a keshi Concert in Boston on 3/14/23

Today is the day that I meet keshi for a second time in Boston!

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Camera details
Shot with Sony Alpha 7R IV Full Frame Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera with Sony – FE 50mm F1.8 Standard Lens

I was worried the entire day because my workplace closed for the day since there was a storm coming. There wasn’t any snow in my area but when I checked twitter, there was snow piling up in other areas. I truly thought the concert was going to get cancelled.

I checked twitter and keshi’s account for hours and then, he posted that they are monitoring the weather but for now, the show will go on. I was like, thank God! The venue twitter account also said there was no snow in the area so I was like, okay, that’s good!

I finally started getting ready around 4. I wore all pink, of course because I wanted to stand out and make a memorable impression. I didn’t really do much to my hair because I thought it was going to rain and snow and that the weather will mess up my hair.

But Linna dropped me off at the venue around 5:15pm. Thankfully, VIP was separated from GA and the line was on the other side of the venue so I didn’t have to be mixed in with GA. I met a guy in line who was going to the concert alone too and we talked the majority of the time we were in line. I wish I exchanged instagram accounts with him because I genuinely wanted to keep in touch with him. But I lost him after the concert. 🙁 

He was so nice and as expected, much younger than me. He was 23, an international student from China and he basically hung out together and had the same interests in music.

Finally, VIP check-in started and I received my goodie bag. I told my new friend that I was meeting keshi for the second time and that I hope he remembers me. This was his first time meeting him and he was excited and nervous. I told him keshi is the sweetest and that he’ll be fine but it was so cute seeing him get excited and happy.

Me and him were the only ones who noticed keshi walked in so we waved to him and KESHI SAW and waved back.

The meet and greet was in front of everyone so I was so nervous but I tried to keep calm. Finally, it was my turn and I waved and said hi to him. Right before we were about to handshake, he goes, “Wait, have we met before?” And I excitedly was like, “Yeah! I was at your Philly show the other day,” and he responded with, “That’s right! I remember you!” And instead of giving me a handshake and he gave me such a warm hug and said, “So good to see you again.” I had chills and butterflies in my stomach. 

I asked him if we could do a hugging photo and I cheesed like hell in the photo and he said, “Enjoy the show tonight,” and I said, “I will! Good luck tonight!”

My friend overheard the conversation so after he met keshi, he ran to me and said, “HE REMEMBERED YOU!” Y’all, I was so giggling and happy for the remainder of the night like I couldn’t stop smiling to myself. 

After he met everyone, he did soundcheck. He performed two songs and a cover and he was amazing!

My friend stayed behind me for a bit but once GA came in, we got separated. He’s somewhat tall and felt bad and let a few people stand in front of me but ultimately, we got separated.

I had fun anyway! I saw James Ivy’s performance in full for a second time and he was fine! I wish the crowd engaged with him more. They basically ignored him. But he did well and so did Weston Estate. I love how energetic and fun they are.

I originally was “3rd” row and then made it to “2nd” row and stood next to a girl who complimented my nails. I’m a shy introvert so I love that my nails and hair do all the talking haha. When security was passing out water, she turned to me and asked if I wanted some. So sweet! I wish I kept in touch with her too but my anxiety makes me think everyone hates me UGH.

The concert was great! Keshi is amazing live. We made eye contact so many times but none made it to my phone because I genuinely was living in the moment. He even took off his shirt! 

Overall, keshi was amazing and I’m still giggling about how he remembered me. 🙂 

Thanks for reading.

xoxo, Linda



Content Creator from Boston.
I’m here to help you with style tips and options, finding the best deals, and helping you to feel confident & comfortable in your own skin with whatever you choose to wear.

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