Keeping Your Health In Top Condition

Keeping Your Health In Top Condition

Keeping Your Health In Top Condition

Are you suffering the after-effects of all the gyms being shut due to COVID-19? You are not alone in this, a whopping 42% of adults in America claimed to have put on weight during the pandemic. Now gyms are opening again there are some ways you can get your weight back down and look after your health while doing it. It is now more important than ever to focus on your health and wellbeing. 

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Watching what you eat is one of the best ways to stay healthy. Eating a balanced meal will ensure you are getting everything your body needs to function well. If you struggle with portion sizes then think about investing in portion plates. These have images and dotted sections so you know how much food to put on and what types of food to consume. 

If you have an unhealthy diet then you are more at risk of certain health conditions including diabetes and heart disease. Diabetes brings with it a whole host of other problems so this is one thing you definitely want to avoid. If you are struggling to control what you eat and how much you eat consider visiting a dietician who can recommend different tools to help you manage your diet better. 

If you are trying to lose weight then avoid yo-yo dieting, this causes you to gain more weight than you lose and it is harder to get rid of. There are many diets out there and each one will have its own unique benefits for you and your body type. You may be tempted to reach for the diet pills but this is a bad idea and can lead to very serious health complications. 


Exercise is just as important as your diet. Diet and exercise go hand in hand, you can do one without the other but when combined they do wonderful things for your body and mind. When you exercise the happy hormones are released making you feel alert and joyful. This is why it isn’t totally recommended that you exercise before bed as exercise wakes you up, it is best to do exercise first thing in the morning to set you up for the day ahead. You could go for an early morning swim or jog to give you a much-needed boost. 

If you are struggling to get out and about you can exercise in the comfort of your own home, either with existing exercise equipment or a workout DVD. There are also apps that can guide you and tell you which exercises to do and how long to do them for. If you enjoy running, either outdoors or on a treadmill then couch to 5k is a great app that you can use. 

Why not think about joining a gym, either on your own or with a buddy. You can use the services there, join classes or even sign up for personal training sessions if you need that extra push to motivate yourself. A PT will ensure you get both upper body and lower body workouts


Drinking water has many benefits for you and your body. It goes well with diet and fitness as drinking water can help keep hunger away for longer between meals. Water also hydrates your body replacing any water lost through sweating. Drinking water regularly throughout the day encourages your body to expel any harmful toxins from the kidneys. 

It also has benefits to your skin, it will keep it hydrated, give it a healthy glow, ensure it stays supple, and prevent premature aging. You should be aiming to drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day to ensure your body is working and functioning as it should,. 


Sleep is vital for maintaining a balanced mind. Sleep is the time when your body has the chance to recover and recharge the batteries. When you are asleep your brain is busy expelling harmful toxins from your brain that build up while you are awake. Sleep improves your concentration, productivity, and memory performance. 

As an adult, you should be getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. It isn’t just the amount of hours you get that’s important it is the quality of sleep as well. If you are suffering from insomnia or are constantly tossing and turning in your bed then you are going to wake up even more exhausted the next day. 

Lack of sleep can have serious implications on your mood, it can cause a build-up of anxiety, and eventually, if you have continuous bad nights it may lead to depression or other mental health problems. If you are having problems sleeping it may be worth looking into the reasons why. 

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We hope this guide gives you some information on how to stay healthy and look after yourself. 

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