Natural Remedies For A Healthier Existence

Natural Remedies For A Healthier Existence

Natural Remedies For A Healthier Existence

Picture by Ana J from Pixabay – CC0 Licence

This post isn’t to degrade the work of scientists and medical professionals for their work in preventing and curing many illnesses and diseases. However, it is to create a holistic view and some accountability for the lifestyle choices we make that could introduce or exacerbate problems within our body and mind. With people becoming increasingly aware of the connection between external and internal stressors that can affect our body’s health, it’s becoming increasingly essential for us to monitor our bodies treatment in a holistic way, and not just focus on one – such as medication – to help us get better and live the best life we can.

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” ~B.K.S. Iyengar

The Great Outdoors

This is a natural step for those who adore the great outdoors, for others it could be more of a struggle to get you outside regularly, that is until you realize all the benefits it could bring to your life. From a stroll around the garden or a jog along the beach, the outdoors is a proven natural distressor. Exposure to greenery and fresh air relieves anxieties, clears your thoughts, and can also reduce your blood pressure. Not to mention, it improves short term memory loss. From the exercise to the exposure to vitamin D, the health and wellbeing benefits your body shall receive from being outside are limitless.

You Are What You Eat

There’s been a fuss around your diet for decades, and so there should be. From wanting to lose weight, to gain weight, to wanting more energy, we know that what we eat affects the way we feel and act daily, yet very few of us go the full way in transforming our diet to become the best, healthier versions that we can be. If you’re unsure of what to eat, why not contact a macrobiotic counselor for advice. A macrobiotic counselor seeks to prevent and solve health issues by assessing what you should and shouldn’t ingest.

Disconnect Completely

There are occasions you are forced to connect with your work devices, or with people at business meetings and there are other times that you want to communicate with your friends and loved ones, but there should also be a time when you disconnect from everything and everyone completely. And this shouldn’t just happen at night during your sleep. You may sometimes find when you’re in the bath, or winding down for bed you’re mindlessly scrolling through your phone and watching tv programs, just because. So why not choose to switch off instead and revel in the peace and quiet of nothingness. Only then, can we genuinely unwind without distraction. Disconnecting gives us the ability to relieve any pent up worries and stress so that we can prevent illnesses and mental health problems occurring. 

The answer to your illness or current stressful lifestyle is not always prescripted medication. Sometimes it’s as simple as taking time to get outside the office and amongst nature. It’s about taking a good look at and changing your current diet. And it’s also about allowing yourself to truly unwind and let go.

DISCLAIMER: This post is a collaborative post and may contain affiliate links.


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