The Bad Habits You Need To Break For Better Skin

The Bad Habits You Need To Break For Better Skin

The Bad Habits You Need To Break For Better Skin


A lot of us want our skin to look flawless, and we do our best with the huge array of skin care creams, tools and ointments that are available from the local beauty store. But if you really want to look fresh and youthful, it’s more of a benefit to take a look at some of your lifestyle choices! The simple truth is that your skin is a delicate organ that needs looking after, and there are lots of bad habits that could be ruining your skin. Let’s take a look at the main offenders.

Pimple popping

Pimples always seem to arrive when you least need them, right? And the temptation is to burst those babies and pop them into oblivion. But here’s the thing – you might be flattening your pimples when you pop them, but you won’t make them go away. And when you pick or pop at your skin, you end up pushing more bacteria and dirt into the pores, meaning your breakout will spread and get worse. And in many cases, over-aggressive bursting can even lead to scars – so cover up by all means, but stop trying to deal with the problem by squeezing.

Hot showers

We all love super hot showers, but have you ever thought about what they are doing to your skin? When you shower in super hot water, it might make you relaxed and refreshed, but to your skin, it’s a bombardment. The hot water will strip away the outermost layers of your epidermis and your body’s natural oils. So, when you get out of the shower, you will end up with dry, scaly, flaky skin that needs creams and moisturizers to cover up. Cold – or lukewarm – showers are so much better for you, so keep those steamy showers to a minimum.

Not drinking water

Most people wait until they are thirsty before they top their bodies up with water. But when you are thirsty, you are already well down the road of dehydration. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water every day, at regular intervals. Not only will you be healthier than you were before, but your skin will reap the rewards. Hydrating yourself will give you a healthy glow, keep your skin looking youthful, and stop flakiness and dryness.

Not sleeping properly

Are you burning the candle at both ends? If so, you need to make a change, as the impact will soon start showing up on your skin. Dark circles, bags under the eyes, dry and flaky skin – it all happens when you aren’t getting enough sleep. Get into a better sleeping pattern than you have right now by decluttering your bedroom, going to bed at a reasonable hour and ensure you are getting 7-8 hours of sleep. Choose the best mattress and pillows for your comfort, and make sure your bedroom is a neutral temperature. And finally, turn off all those devices you are using before bedtime – your phone, tablet and computer screens are keeping you from nodding off!


Drinking too much coffee

Most of us rely on a coffee fix to get us up and moving in the morning. But coffee is a big culprit when it comes to damaging your skin, so keep those cups down to a minimum. The more coffee you drink, the more likely your skin will dry out, and magnify your wrinkles. Instead, replace a cup or two with water (see above) and keep yourself – and your skin – properly refreshed.

Not eating regularly

Think you are doing your figure a favor by skipping meals? You might not be putting on weight, but you’re certainly helping yourself age. If you don’t eat regularly, your skin will dry out and look incredibly unhealthy. And if you want a nice pallor and freshness to your skin, you need to top it up with the right kind of food. Anything containing Vitamins C, B3, E and A can have huge benefits, so consume plenty of oranges, nuts, avocados and sweet potatoes.

Overeating salty food

It’s hard to find salt-free foods these days, especially if you are eating ready-prepared meals. But the reality is that all that salt is having an enormous impact on your skin. Again, too much salt means you will be drying yourself out from the inside out, and your skin will look dry and dull as a result. So, start looking at those food labels and cut out as much as you can. Prepare your own food from fresh ingredients, too – then you have complete control over your salt intake.

Overeating sugar

We’re all tempted by sugary snacks, but we are also well aware that they are terribly bad for us. And if your general health isn’t enough to turn you off sugar and candy, what if you knew it was ruining your skin? Sugar actually damages the collagen in your body, meaning you start to look a little saggy – and a lot older than you actually are. If you swap out the sugary snacks for something like fresh fruit or nut-based treats, you will find your collagen starts to produce a lot more than it did before – and you will look younger.

Enduring stress

Stress is a major issue for many people in the world today, and far too many people feel it’s something that doesn’t need working out. But they couldn’t be more wrong. Not only is stress a serious issue that could lead to severe conditions developing – heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, for example – it’s also terrible for your skin. Stress can cause breakouts, blemishes, and even has the ability to create lines on your face that will deepen over time. If you are suffering from stress, speak to your doctor and find some activities or hobbies that help you feel more relaxed – reading a book, for example, or taking up yoga.

OK, so there you have it – a few simple ideas that can help you improve your skin, and many of the bad habits that could be causing your problems. Do you have any more to add?

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Content Creator from Boston.
I’m here to help you with style tips and options, finding the best deals, and helping you to feel confident & comfortable in your own skin with whatever you choose to wear.

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