5 Ways to Take Cybersecurity More Seriously

5 Ways to Take Cybersecurity More Seriously

5 Ways to Take Cybersecurity More Seriously


Whether you work online fashion blogging or are employed by one of the biggest companies in the world, cybersecurity is always crucial. However, so many people assume that they are just one person, so what would any hacker want with their information? You may feel you aren’t worth hacking, but this is not always true. Anyone can fall victim to a cybersecurity breach, which is why you should start taking your cybersecurity approach more seriously. 

Stop Using the Same Password

Although passwords like milothedog123 are easy to remember, they can increase your chances of being hacked, especially if you work with sensitive information. Even exchanging the letters for numbers (such as mi10th3d0g123) can make your passwords more robust. Even better, you can use a password manager to automatically generate different passwords for all your accounts. These passwords are often challenging to remember off the top of your head, but you can access them through the manager easily. 

Be Careful With Phishing Emails 

Phishing emails are designed to look like regular emails but include a harmful link that mimics something you’re used to using, such as redirecting you to a page that looks like your Google account and encouraging you to input your username, email address, and password. When you input this information, the phishing link steals the contents that hackers use to access other accounts. While it can be challenging to recognize phishing emails, you should read everything carefully and never click links from unknown sources. 

Update Your Tracking Settings 

Although every website is required to request cookie access (which you can accept or reject), some sites, such as Google, track other activity and metrics to help them build an online portfolio. On the surface, this seems beneficial, as you receive more personalized ads and suggestions. However, many people understandably don’t want a corporation to know everything about them, so learning how to stop Google from tracking me right now can help you browse in peace and remain mostly anonymous online. 

Turn On Notifications 

Notifications aren’t just a way for you to find out when a friend messages you or your favorite store is having a sale. Besides these, setting up notifications can alert you to suspicious activity on your bank account or online services. When you turn on notifications, you will find out if someone tries to access your account immediately. From here, you can take steps to secure your account, such as changing the password. 

Use Multi-Factor Authentication 

Additionally, you can set up Multi-Factor Authentication. Instead of requiring one way to access an account (like a password), MFAs require additional steps. These steps include inputting one-time codes or answering additional questions. Most of the time, hackers won’t be able to access this information, meaning your account remains secure, although you may want to change your password anyway. You can learn how to set up MFA to add extra layers of security to your accounts.


It might feel like you’re doing too much, but cybersecurity breaches can wreak havoc on your professional and personal life. It can cause significant losses and even damage your relationship with valuable clients. If you take steps to improve your approach to cybersecurity, you can avoid many of the issues others encounter.

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