LivOn Labs Lypo-Spheric™ B Complex Plus Review

LivOn Labs Lypo-Spheric™ B Complex Plus Review

LivOn Labs Lypo-Spheric™ B Complex Plus Review

Another LivOn Labs review! To learn about the brand and the other supplements they offer, please read my previous posts.

This month, I tried out their Vitamin B Complex. With LivOn’s Lypo-Spheric technology, they encapsulate Vitamin B molecules in tiny spheres made of phosphatidylcholine, an essential fatty acid and the same material that comprises the walls of your cells. Vitamin B is water-soluble. Oral vitamin b supplements depend on the body’s limited number of active transporters to bring the nutrients to the cells. Your blood absorbs significantly more Vitamin B through liposomal encapsulation than traditional oral supplements One of the most effective supplement methods, so your body actually absorb the benefits.

Please note this is product is not meant to treat any illnesses nor does it absorb into your cells 100%.

The vitamins come in convenient, single-dose packets that you can take with you on the go. The packets are small and TSA-friendly, so many people take multiple packets on flights to support their energy and nervous system when it’s particularly vulnerable (i.e during travel). B Complex Plus is a unique formulation of the essential B vitamins in which many people are deficient. Because important vitamins like B-12 are found exclusively in animal products, many people following a plant-based diet are particularly prone to deficiency. That’s why they made sure that our product is vegan-friendly. There is real science behind their product, LivOn Labs does not engineer their products to be tasty and pretty. They use advanced, molecular processes to make sure that they work. Because that’s really all that’s important. Helps you feel more energized, banishes bloating, boosts brain power, and balances stress.

The benefits include: B1 Thiamine, B2 Riboflavin, B3 Niacin: Helps our cells convert food into energy and essential for the function of our cells. B2 Riboflavin: Helps your body break down and use the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in your diet and helps metabolize food into energy. This type of B vitamin also functions to keep your skin, the lining of your gut, and your blood cells healthy. B3 Niacin can also help to improve the condition of the skin, helping to treat rosacea, acne, eczema, dermatitis, hyper pigmentation, sun-damaged, aging and dry skin – so it’s a must-have vitamin for healthy, glowing skin! A combined effort by the B vitamins helps to keep the digestive system up and running effectively. Vitamin B3 (niacin) for instance is required for the metabolism of food, gastric juice production and the secretion of bile, which is really important for the digestion of fat. B5 Pantothenic Acid: Aids in metabolic function, contributes to brain cells by synthesizing cholesterol, proteins, and fats. B6: Pyridoxine: Lots of benefits and plays a big role in cognitive function. Vitamin B6 is a critical co-factor in the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin, known as the happiness hormone.  It also plays a role in regulating brain glucose. B7: Biotin: A key to metabolism as it is a co-factor in the chemical reaction that converts fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to energy. B9: Folate: When we ingest folic acid, our cells put it through a complex process that eventually results in methylfolate, which is essential for making neurotransmitters and DNA. Without methylfolate, we often have high levels of homocysteine, which is associated with strokes and chronic conditions. B12: Cobalamin: Helps keep our nerve and blood cells healthy, and contributes to making DNA.

Now that you know about the product and benefits, let’s move on to the actual product.

The formula is different from their previous ones that I tried such as the Vitamin C and Glutathione. The product is thicker and yellow-er. When I first opened the packet, the scent was super strong and it made me nervous to try the product. If you have a queasy stomach, I strongly suggest holding your nose and mixing this into a juice or water. I closed my nose when I opened the packet because the scent was a little too strong for me and honestly, because I’m so used to the other supplements, this new formula made me extremely nervous to try it, but I did it anyway. I chugged the shot quickly and let me tell you, there is a taste and an after-taste. I am not a fan of either. So the actual taste doesn’t last long but the after-taste does. It lingers for a couple minutes but even after excessively drinking water, I still tasted the after-taste when I burped a few minutes later and even an hour later so if you easily get a queasy stomach, wait the desired 15 minutes and EAT to get rid of the after-taste. It is not a good after-taste.

So aside from me hating the scent and taste, let’s go on with the effects. I’ve been taking this for about two weeks and I’ve seen slight improvement with my energy and stress levels. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I was stress-free and I gained a ton of energy but I did feel a bit better throughout the day. I felt a little more energetic and not too tired even on days when I slept for less than 4 hours. As for my stress levels, I stress out pretty easily and this supplement helped with my stress levels a bit. I didn’t experience high stress levels and I genuinely felt great throughout the day.

Although the taste and smell was horrendous, the effects did play a bigger role. I do get nervous every day when I’m about to take this shot, but I immediately drink a bottle of water to wash down the taste. I continue to take these because I genuinely see a difference and I like the effects. I just wish the scent and taste were different. For anyone interested in trying these, hold your breath when you open it or hold your nose and then mix it in a juice or sparkling water and just drink it throughout the day.

DISCLAIMER: I received these products as part of a collaboration with LivOn Labs and Palm but all opinons are of my own and as always, completely honest.



Content Creator from Boston.
I’m here to help you with style tips and options, finding the best deals, and helping you to feel confident & comfortable in your own skin with whatever you choose to wear.

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